Sunday 23 June 2013

All the wonder

I've read on so many blogs about how much people don't like their face right after jaw surgery, but I can't stop looking at myself but god do I look ugly.
It's just not my face and I'm so anxious to see how it'll look. With all this swelling, I'm already seeing a huge difference, so have my friends and family and I know this isn't how I'll look a few months, or even weeks down the road but the curiosity is getting to me.

lol one thing I do want to say though, is that I'm not very happy with my nose so far. sigh~

I'll put up pics soon, as much as I wanna look at myself post op, I'm not sure I'm ready to share that with everyone.

But here is a picture I took like a day or two before surgery enjoy:
Sorry my room was an absolute mess, I was in the pre surgery clean up stage, I knew I wouldnt feel up to doing much afterwards. 

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