Friday 28 June 2013

Looks and stares

Seriously I just feel like Writing BROKEN JAWS on my cheeks so people would just look once and leave me alone

I honestly feel for people who have to go through this constantly and sometimes throughout their whole lives. This is why even before my surgery I made an effort to not look and if I did to smile like I would with anyone else and not gawk at them like theyre some lab experiment gone wrong.

On another note.. tell me its normal for the swelling to be going down sooo slowly. It seriously feels like it hasn't gone down at all.

And the discomfort in my teeth. Idk maybe its the wires pulling at them and clenching down all day long but wow, its pretty uncomfortable. Its like when you get your braces tightened except its on every single molar and pre molar. Oh well id rather have that then no feeling so~ no complaints here.

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