Sunday 23 June 2013

Day 4 post op: continuation of suck.

Today was one of my better todays so far, but I'm pretty sure it's just because I'm starting to adjust to everything.

Numbness, my tongue is starting to get feeling back I'd say it's like 80%ish back and as for the swelling, well it began to go down but on my left cheek which was the least swollen before seems to have swelled up - thus leading me to believe I may have an infection.
Maybe it's because I don't take any pain killers but my insiscion sites hurt sometimes, it's like a little stabbing pain and its really only on the bottom left side. Well, I'm going in for my post surgery appointment in a few days I guess, we'll see. Nothing I can do since I am already taking antibiotics.

The pain is a lot less there right now, thank god, but Im definitely getting tired of having an immobile jaw.

Today, I didn't do much, just daily stuff, showered & brushed, tried to eat (hey I ate more than the past few days so that's a plus), just bummed around watching reruns of the OC when I should be studying #oops. Oh, and I lost 8 lbs so far LOL and to be honest I'm such a grouch I don't even see that as a plus, I'd rather gain 8 lbs and be able to eat whatever I want to at this point..

I'm seriously suffering from liquid diet syndrome right now... okay there is no such thing but there should be. I see and notice food more often then I used to, and when your family is eating your fav croissants and you see fridge and cabinets filled to the brim with delicious solid foods, sigh~ I'm shocked I haven't cracked yet.

Also, I'm like in freak out mode because of this whole not being able to brush properly.. Like, seriously I'm spending thousands of dollars on teeth that are gonna turn black from peridex and get one too many cavities because I can't brush on the inside - seems counter productive if you ask me! LOL I'd try and convince my surgeon to unwire me for 10 minutes so I could get a good brush in but I know that's not gonna happen T.T

You really don't realize what a luxury brushing your teeth is until you can't do it anymore.

I'm also insanely tired, seriously standing for 15 minutes brushing my teeth is like an olympic sport for me now, I mean I wasn't always the most athletic girl in the room but this is just not right, oh man it's so funny - I broke my jaws so I could successfully bite into a sandwhich but the opportunity cost (LOL econ) is not being able to eat properly for over a month.

I mean come on, we all love a good milkshake but not for every other meal in between gross soups that get stuck everywhere and... okay yeahh that's pretty much all I eat, again, #oops.

Until next time when I find something new to complain about, Ima go brush up on elasticity and all that fun economics stuff.

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