Friday 28 June 2013

Day 8: into the real world~

Swelling: Is decreasing pretty freaking slowly. It doesn't look like my face has changed at all. Could be because I've never taken the ibuprofen (who could stomach that grinded up ugh) and idk im kinda sleeping up right lol kinda... 

Food: My nutrition is so bad right now. Literally all I eat is soups like tomato soup, chicken noodle soupp (sans the chicken noodle"), milkshakes and random bits of juice here and there

Other than the obvious lack of food from the damn wiring, and the swelling I feel pretty much back to normal. In fact, I've even adjusted to the lack of food and seeing all the good food my family is eating (today they had pizza T.T and shrimp /cry) but it's okay because I've learned that I could live vicariously through people by watching them eat (as creepy as that is) and watching people make food on youtube. Seriously, it's al I've been watching especially east asian cuisine (gotta love me some kimchi) and how to make fast food like a mcchicken at home because I reaaally miss fast food for some reason.

I remember a few days ago writing on my tumblr about how this has been the worst experience of my life and that I don't know how I'll cope without food for 6 weeks. Well I'm glad to tell you it's getting easier (not in the sense that it's actually easier) just that I'e adjust fairly quickly. And I have to thank my best friend specially because shes been there for me a100%, and my mom has been doing so much more work and on top of helping me who can't even make phone calls (thank you, I love you guys and I'm sorry for the constant complaints and jaw talk!). 

Today, I went to school and on a bus (wow people stare a lot) because I had an exam to write. It was quite the experience. I felt myself hiding a lot, I got a lot of stares, lost my balance, stepped on people I was quite the mess and my apologies oh gosh probably sounded like a Neanderthal's grunts #oops. 

I even saw someone I wasn't friends with but knew from my old high school - talk about a double take -  Not sure if it was because he recognized me or because he was thinking "what the hell happened to that broad??" 

One thing however, I have the weirdest thing under my upper lip. It looks kind of like it might be infected (although my mom seems to disagree) but I don't have any symptoms. The bad thing is, I dont see my surgeon for the first post op appointment until one week from now, because of these damn exams. 

Yawning, coughing smiling/laughing and pain:

Let me tell you Yawning has become such a painful thing to do, but I've figured out how to effectively stop it, when you feel it coming on just breathe really deeply and out forcefully. 
As for coughing, I've needed to do so for the past two days! Not fun. 

I've also been smiling and laughing a lot, which I just do I'm a naturally laugh-y kinda person, like I'd laugh at the dumbest, simplest things. So as you can imagine the stitches have been barely holding my face together. I'm wondering when people were to smile and laugh normally again after surgery?

Pain, I have no pain - except in my teeth (which is a good thing, feeling is returning) from the cold, from clenching down on them all day, they even feel like theyre wiggling around idk maybe it's all in my head. 

Last night, was another night I stayed up until like 6 am because of the sensations in my face. They dont hurt but tbh I'd rather pain than this weird feeling. At least pain I can sleep with. LOL it came back as soon as I started writing this. It's mostly in my right side, which is also the side that is the most number which maybe because of my crossbite pre surgery. Well here's to hoping for a good night. 

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